The SAT is a standardized test that is designed to measure high-school students’ readiness for college. Therefore colleges can use the SAT scores as a way to benchmark and compare their applicants. The SAT tests the students’ reading, mathematics, writing skills, and knowledge. This is the knowledge that the student will acquire as part of a rigorous high school curriculum. The SAT also measures how well students can apply their knowledge, in an allotted time.
The SAT has a total of two main sections, evidence-based reading and writing section, and math. The first is the evidence-based reading and writing section and is comprised of two tests. Reading is the focus of the first test, whilst writing and language is the focus of the second. Additionally, there is a Math section. This is a single test made up of two units, a calculator-portion, and a non-calculator portion.
i. The Reading Section
This section of the SAT measures and assesses students’ ability to;
1) Draw their own inferences
2) Synthesize information
3) Distinguish between main and supporting ideas
4) Use context to understand vocabulary
ii. The Mathematics Section
This section of the SAT measures and requires students’ to;
1) Apply mathematical concepts
2) Solve problems
3) Use their data literacy skills to interpret tables, charts, and graphs
iii. The Writing Section
This section of the SAT measures and requires students’ to;
1) Communicate their ideas clearly and effectively
2) Improve writing through revision and editing
3) Recognize and identify sentence-level errors
4) Understand grammatical elements and structures, and how they relate to each other in a sentence
5) Improve the coherence of ideas
To know more about the SAT program at IVY Aspire you can click here. For more information, you can contact us either by calling us at 8880001177 or you can write an email to us at [email protected]
Our counselors are happy to answer any questions you may have.
Check out our 5 top tips to maximize your SAT score!