The Ivy Aspire Advantage
Ivy Aspire has an excellent track record of success and has helped students score 2390. We pay special attention to the Critical Reading Section and have helped many students score 790/800. In Math, we have many 800/800 and Writing 800/800
Here is how we guarantee you the maximum possible score boost.
Personalize your practice:
A. We begin the course with a diagnostic test based on which we evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and give you a detailed analysis report and our SAT materials.
Get the big picture:
A. Next, we begin the instruction part of the course which is divided into 1. Concept teaching 2. SAT Strategies 3. SAT Clinic
Practice a little each day:
A. Vocabulary building – Learn 250 new words at Ivy Aspire
Get familiar with the questions:
A. Based on your performance on the sectional test, we analyze your weaknesses and strengths have you customized homework based on your level
B. We have review sessions of each section to refresh and solidify concepts. New questions and different teaching techniques
Try a full test:
A. Upon completion of an SAT section, we conduct a sectional test to monitor your score improvement and guide you for further improvement
B. Full lengths timed tests and provide feedback to students’ on their performance
Get more in-depth:
A. Doubt clearing sessions
To know more; Check out our SAT page here do contact us for more information either by calling us at 8880001177 or writing an email to [email protected]. Our counselors would be happy to answer your queries.