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How is the essay in the new SAT different?

SAT Essay

Students will have 50 minutes to complete their SAT essay. They will no longer be asked to agree or disagree or to write about their personal experience for the given topic.

The SAT Essay will no longer be required for everyone who takes the SAT; individual colleges and universities will determine whether they require SAT Essay scores from prospective students. The three SAT Essay scores will be separate from the other scores on the test.


The SAT essay is not mandatory.

Not all colleges require the essay score. You don’t have to take the SAT with optional Essay, but if you do, you will be able to apply to colleges that recommend or require it.  It’s is similar to the writing assignments you will get in college, and will also give the college a deeper look into you as a prospective student. It asks you to read a passage and analyze how the author constructs a persuasive argument. You’ll have 50 minutes to complete your Essay.

If you want to attempt the essay, keep in mind that you are required to register for it. In case you don’t register for it at first, you’re welcome to add it later though.

To know more about the test structure of the SAT you can click here.

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For any general information about the Ivy Aspire SAT program, you can visit our page. For more information about the essay or for any other assistance, you can contact us either by calling us at 8880001177 or you can mail us at [email protected]. Our counselors would be happy to answer your queries.

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