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What is the Multi-choice Rescore Service?

AP Exam – Rescore


If you are concerned that your AP exam score has not been accurately reported as a result of a scanning or processing error, you may request that your multiple-choice answer sheet be re-scored by hand. This score and your free-response score are then appropriately weighted and combined. The resulting score is converted to an AP score and compared with the reported score. If the scores are different, the re-scored score will win through and will be provided to you and your score recipient.  The multiple-choice section is not disclosed, and therefore scores on this section are not available. The free-response section is not reread. Studio Art Portfolios are not reevaluated. AP Services must receive your signed, written request by mail or fax by October 31 of the year in which you took the exam. The fee is $25 per exam. Allow six to eight weeks for a response from AP services.